Science of climate change


Creating a scientific poster

As part of the Science of Climate Change course, we were tasked with creating a scientific poster on a topic related to climate change. We chose to create an engaging poster on mineral dust aerosols, a subject still shrouded in mystery. This project presented the challenge of clearly explaining aerosols while also addressing the uncertainties that still exist in this field of study.

Our poster delved into the complex interactions between aerosols and clouds, their effects on radiative forcing, and their impact on the albedo of the cryosphere. We aimed to present a comprehensive overview that highlighted both what is known and the questions that remain, making the science accessible and engaging for viewers.

My Takeaways

Research and Understanding

Conducted thorough literature review to gather credible and comprehensive information on aerosols.

Developed a deep understanding of complex topic such as mineral dust aersosol

Popularisation of a subject

Simplified complex information to make it accessible and understandable for a broad audience.

Presentation Skills

Presented the poster in front of experts, honing public speaking and presentation skills.